Friday, May 16, 2008

Bulgarian Tomb Inscriptions Reveal Importance of Thracian King

Professor Konstantin Boshnakov from Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" announced Friday that two unique inscriptions that he recently discovered in the Thracian tomb in the Bulgarian town of Kazanluk reveal the importance of Thracian King Roygos.

"In the last year, Boshnakov conducted the first in Bulgaria testing in the Kazanluk tomb to search for inscriptions.

The two inscriptions that he found on the walls of the tomb about three meters above the floor state: "Kodzimases painted" and "Roygos, Son of Sevt".

The inscriptions provide new invaluable information about the history of Ancient Thrace casting light on the names of two previously only vaguely known figures.

The name of the Thracian ruler Roygos had been known only from the coins minted at his time. The Bulgarian archeologists and historians thought he was an insignificant regional ruler in what is today southeast Bulgaria.

After Boshnakov's findings, it is now certain that Roygos was not only an important Thracian king in 4th-3rd century B.C. but also the son of the founder of the Thracian capital Sevtopolis King Sevt III."
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  1. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Please, would somebody indicate a bibliograhical reference about this important finding?
    Is there any preliminary report of the discovery showing the inscriptions and / or their exact location in the tomb? Thank you very much!

  2. This finding was reported back in 2008 on I'm afraid no additional information was provided.
