Thursday, July 15, 2010

"Chasing Mummies" amateurish reality drivel

The trailers I watched for the new History Channel series "Chasing Mummies" piqued my interest and the "Show me the mummy" play on words brought a smile to my lips.  But I'm afraid I was sadly disappointed in at least the first episode that aired Wednesday.

The camera work was amateurish, there appeared to be no formal script and Dr. Hawass was presented as irascible and supremely arrogant.  I cannot understand why so many reality show producers think that rudeness and unprofessional outbursts make a show entertaining.  My husband often watches "Ax Men" and several "Ax Men" copycats and I've gotten to the point that I just go off in the other room because the men depicted on these programs are so grossly rude and unprofessional to their co-workers, even when they are family members.  Much of the swearing and bluster appears to be "put on" for the camera and I hope that is the case in "Chasing Mummies" because I wouldn't work under these conditions if it was the last job available on the planet.

This weekend the History Channel is rerunning an excellent program about how the Indiana Jones movies have inspired so many people to want to learn more about history and in some cases even become archaeologists.  The producers of "Chasing Mummies" should watch this program and try to emulate it to impart the love of history and archaeology that I know Dr. Hawass truly possesses. 

Dr. Hawass is actually a very gifted author.  I've read his book on the Valley of the Golden Mummies and enjoyed it immensely.  I was especially intrigued by the passage describing his paranormal experience with a pair of mummies who had been removed from their original tomb for study and who appeared to communicate with him in nightmares expressing their grief at being separated from their other family members.

The Lost Tombs of Thebes: Ancient Egypt: Life in Paradise   Secrets from the Sand: My Search for Egypt's Past   Hidden Treasures of Ancient Egypt: Unearthing the Masterpieces of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo   Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs   Mummies And The Wonders of Ancient Egypt   Silent Images: Women in Pharaonic Egypt   Valley of the Golden Mummies: The Greatest Egyptian Discovery Since Tutankhamun
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  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Oh I agree with you, I did not like the arrogance, or the bully attitude that was captured on the not so good camera. I was looking for a more refined and intellect gentleman that is in his books.

  2. Anonymous6:33 PM

    It's pretty bad all right. Especially the demeaning depiction of the women.
